Online Language Teaching

We offer you an online language learning program for the following languages : 
1.  English 
2. Turkish 
3. Japanese

Our DOLLP (Dsplus Online Language Learning Program) provides you more effective and flexible hours at which you can choose by yourself what you want to study or whether you want to do it individually or in a group (maximum 10 people). 

By completing the registration, click here to register,  you have taken the first step to master the language you want to learn. You will also be introduced to our tasks and modules. 

You will be appropriately put in a language proficiency level after completing the placement test here. 

The courses offered here are: 
1. English for Children (ages 7 years old – 10 years old) 
2. English for Teenagers (ages 11 years old – 16years old) 
3. English for Adult (ages 17 years old – 45 years old) 
4. English for Specific Purposes ; Tourism and Business. 
5. Exam Preparations; IELTS Prep, PBT/CBT/iBT TOEFL Prep, TOEIC Prep. 
6. English Conversation. 
7. English Grammar. 
8. Turkish Conversation.
9. Turkish Grammar.
10. Japanese Basic

We do not offer you any certificate, but the feedback regarding to your progress you make during taking the lessons will be written officially and sent to your email personally. Please contact our marketing person for further information.